Need more information about becoming a vendor? Here is our Vendor Handbook that outlines much of what you need to know to become a vendor. Below the handbook you will find some links that will be helpful as well. The first is a link to the WSFMA Roots Guidelines which, as a member market, we follow. Also, you will find links for information on obtaining a Washington State business license and to the WSDA Green Book. Also, if you are a prepared food vendor there is information on obtaining either a Cottage Food license or a Temporary Food Permit.
Shelton Farmers Market - Current as of March 01, 2024
THE MISSION OF SHELTON FARMERS MARKET: To offer a family-friendly market environment for small, local growers and others to make their fresh food and handcrafts available for purchase and to support and promote farming efforts in Mason and adjoining counties.
MARKET SEASON: The Market will be open 10:00am to 3:00pm on every Saturday, May through October.
DUES AND FEES: The fee structure has been updated as follows: $25 per week, or 15% sales – whichever is less. Each vendor space is a designated 10’x10’ location. Double booths (approximately 10’x20’) may be authorized. These spaces will be designated as space allows and at the Market Managers discretion. Farm vendors will take priority. Vendors will be provided with an envelope with which to categorize sales. The Market Manager or Treasurer will collect the envelopes at the Market closing. *All fees/dues are non-refundable.
NEW FOR 2024 - The Shelton Farmers Market season pass is available to purchase for $550. The season pass constitutes as prepaid dues/fees for the entire 26-week 2024 market season and guarantees a booth space at the market each week (potential of $100 yearly savings). If a vendor with a season pass misses or does not show up to a market day(s), they will not be refunded for the amount they forfeited. Season passes are available until the first market day of the season.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: A President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to seven Members-at-Large are elected by the vendor membership as set out in the bylaws.
❖ Board Meetings will be held monthly. Vendors will be notified of the meeting time and place one week before the meeting. Vendors are encouraged to attend the meetings. If you have concerns or issues, please submit them to the Board NLT 5 days before the board meeting. The Board can be reached at the following email:
VENDOR CATEGORIES: The Board is responsible for maintaining a good mix of vendors in accordance with Washington State Farmers Market Association root guidelines.
❖ Farmers: Persons who raise produce, plants or botanicals, or animals on land that they own, lease, or rent in the State of Washington, which can be sold at the Market. Beekeepers, egg farmers, and fish/shellfish growers are considered Farmers. Value-added processed goods are still considered to be farm products if, and only if the basic ingredients were produced by the farmer. Farmers must make at least 80% of their gross sales from the farm sales category to qualify as a farmer vendor. The market has no limit on the number of farmer vendors.
❖ Processors: Persons who sell foods that they have personally prepared or processed on property that they own, lease, or rent in the State of Washington. Processors offer fresh food products (such as meats, seafood, ciders, wines, baked goods, jams, nuts, etc.) that have value added to their product through some sort of “hands-on” processing (e.g. hand-filleted fish, smoked or butchered meats, handmade candies/nuts, etc.), but need not have produced the all the ingredients themselves.
❖ Prepared Food: Persons who offer freshly made foods, available for sale and immediate consumption on-site at the Market (e.g. sandwiches, popcorn, ice cream, etc.). All food safety permits and licenses must be current.
❖ Artisans/Crafters: Persons who create with their own hands the products they offer for sale, or providers of skilled craft services at the market, such as on-site knife sharpening or tool refurbishment. To qualify, a majority of the tools/equipment used to create the product must require skills and personal handling or guidance by the crafter.
❖ Not Selling/Informational – Non-profit groups are welcome at the Market and will be provided with a 10’x 10’ booth space to present educational materials as space permits. Spaces will be provided on a first-come, first-assigned basis by the Market Board. Please note: Non-profits that wish to sell goods, or accept donations in return for goods, will be considered a regular vendor and all normal vendor dues and fees apply.
❖ Business Sponsorship Booth: Local retail businesses may request a stall once per month for a fee of $50. This booth will not be used to sell products. Businesses may offer promotions and schedule appointments (hair salons, massage, portrait studios, etc).
❖ Other Members: Out of area Farmers, Processors, Crafters, and other Vendor types will be considered by the Board on a case-by-case basis.
Jurying: To ensure quality products at the Market, Vendors may be required to have their products juried or farm visited. Jurying will take place via email for board approval. Please allow up to two weeks for final decision. Prospective Vendors not accepted at one jury session may reapply at a later session.
All members of the Farmers’ Market will treat customers, Market Managers, other Vendors, and Board Members in a professional manner which fosters a sense of market community, a spirit of cooperative involvement, and promotes the market to the community it serves.
❖ Quality: Products sold at the market should be fresh and be made from local ingredients to the maximum extent possible.
❖ Stall Assignments: Vendors will be assigned a location each week by the Market Board.
❖ Punctuality of Setup: Vendors may enter the Market area no sooner than 8:00am due to street closure times. Stalls should be set up and ready for business by 9:45am. Vendors are required to stay until closing at 3:00pm. The Market Manager must approve exceptions to this rule. If approved, any canopies and weights must remain set up until the end of the market, other stall items must be broken down and hand-carried out of the Market to your vehicle outside the Market Site to maintain the safety of the Market.
❖ Vendor Vehicles: Vendors may drive their vehicle into the Market site beginning at 8 am. All vehicles should be cleared of the Market site by 9:30am. To alleviate traffic hazards and jam-ups, Vendors are required to unload their vehicles and immediately remove them from the Market site without starting setup. When driving on-site, please park your vehicle as far to one side as possible to enable others access to their stalls. Park as far from the Market as possible to allow customers access to prime parking spaces. At the end of Market DO NOT bring your vehicle in for loading until your stall is completely packed up. Police your area for any rubbish before leaving.
❖ Printed Materials: No petitions or other printed material of religious or political nature will be distributed or displayed at the Market without prior approval of the Market Manager.
Stall Requirements:
● Canopies: If a Vendor wishes to have a canopy (including umbrellas), it must be sufficiently and safely anchored to the ground from the time it is put up to the time it is taken down. In accordance with Washington State Farmers Market Association (WSFMA) guidelines - each canopy leg must be weighed down by no less than 25 lbs. For safety reasons, any vendor who fails to properly anchor their canopy will be asked to remove the canopy until they comply.
● Vendor Displays: Table displays and signs must allow clear visibility and access to adjoining stalls. Display and selling techniques must not impair other Vendors’ ability to sell.
● Signs: Vendors should display a sign containing their farm or business name.
● Garbage: Vendors are responsible for removing their own trash after the market. Market/City trash cans should not be used by vendors. (NEW) All vendors providing ready to eat foods are required to bring a trash receptacle and properly disposed of collected rubbish.
❖ Smoking: Smoking/Vaping is not permitted within 25 feet of the Market area.
❖ Pets: Vendors may bring well-behaved and restrained pets to the Market if it is not in violation of their licenses and the animal does not disrupt the market.
❖ Licenses/Permits/Registrations: All vendors are responsible to meet all Federal, State, County, and local Health Department regulations. Vendors will show the Market Manager any necessary licenses, permits, registrations, etc. upon request. The Manager and Board members are willing and ready to assist Vendors with getting appropriate authorizations. Examples include, but are not limited to:
o Business licenses with the appropriate registrations (e.g., egg handler, nursery retailer, etc.) displayed at their stall.
o Vendors are responsible for collecting sales tax if applicable.
o All vendors of processed and prepared foods must meet all food safety requirements (e.g., food processors license, cottage industry license, commercial kitchen location, etc.).
o The phrase “organic” in produce sales is governed by WSDA and USDA regulations (e.g. farms with less than $5,000 in total annual sales may use the term “organic”, but not “certified organic”).
o SNAP/EBT/Fresh Bucks and WIC/Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Checks may only be used for specific types of purchases (e.g. some vouchers may not be used for honey, or prepared food, etc.). Vendors must also have their own FMNP registration to accept these checks. Ask the Market Manager before accepting these types of payment for goods if you are unsure.
o Vendors who give out food samples must at a minimum have a Food Handlers license.
o Shelton Farmers Market insurance policies are purchased to protect the Market, not Vendors. Vendors are responsible for their own general and product liability.
o Cosmetics include items intended to “cleanse the human body, making a person more attractive or changing a person’s appearance.” [] All cosmetics must follow FDA guidelines, including labeling and following Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
❖ Credit Card/EBT Sales: While Vendors are encouraged to use their own credit card processing methods (e.g., square). The Market Manager has the ability to facilitate customer Credit Card and SNAP/EBT sales. Customers may use EBT to purchase SNAP Tokens at the Market Manager Booth to use in purchasing eligible items from vendors.
❖ Fee Collection: The market can only succeed if Vendors are honest in the reporting of their gross sales for the purpose of paying 15% or $25 market fees. Vendors must categorize their total daily sales in terms of: farm, processed food, other/craft/prepared food. See the descriptions in Membership Categories above to determine which category a sale falls under. Many Vendors often have sales in multiple categories on any given day.
❖ Token/Fresh Bucks Redemption: The Market Manager will redeem valid EBT tokens, Fresh Bucks and other Market authorized currency at the end of each market day when collecting Vendor fees.
❖ Disciplinary Policy and Procedures: The Market Manager has the responsibility and authority to enforce policy on Market site. A verbal conversation will occur upon the first incident followed by a written notification upon the 2nd. If a 3rd incident occurs, the Vendor will be excused from Market until corrections are made. For situations that are deemed dangerous or destructive, or for violators that cannot be controlled by routine methods, disciplinary action may be taken. Refer to the bylaws for details of the disciplinary policy and procedure.
❖ Dispute Resolution: If you have any concerns during Market hours, please contact the Market Manager or another Board Member and they will do their best to resolve any issues. For other concerns or ideas, submit them in writing to any Board Member. Response will occur within 30 days.
❖ (New for 2024) No Show Fee: A weekly attendance email will be sent out on the Monday of each week, asking for vendors who would like to participate in the market in the given week. If a vendor signs up for that week, it is their responsibility to let the board know by 12:00p PST on the Friday before the day if they are unable to attend. Failure to provide notice may result in a fee equal to the maximum daily market fee ($25.00). No Show Fees must be paid in full to the market manager at the next market day the vendor wishes to participate in.
If you have any special needs or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact a Board Member or the Market Manager to discuss options.
Useful Links for Vendors
WSFMA Roots Guidelines - These are guidelines that our market follows as a member market of Washington State Farmers Market Association
WSDA Green Book - A wonderful resource for small farmers and food processors on rules and regulations required to sell your products in Washington State.
Washington State Business License - information on requirements for and how to obtain a Washington State Business License
Mason County Public Health Temporary Food Permit - Information on required permits for selling prepared food at the market.
Cottage Food Permit from WSDA - Information on obtaining a Cottage Food Permit to sell prepared foods at the market.